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the lutheran house at chautauqua

Our History

Since 1890 there has been a Lutheran presence at Chautauqua. 2015 marked the 125th anniversary of that presence and the 90th anniversary of the current Lutheran House.

The first headquarters for Lutheran worship and activity was established during the 1890 Chautauqua season at 28 Foster, the summer home of Pastor and Mrs. Isaac O. Baker of Erie, PA. The initial aim was to make the headquarters a common meeting place for all Lutherans, irrespective of nationality, language or synodical affiliation.

In 1916 the Lutheran Chautauqua Women's Association made an appeal to various organizations of the Lutheran churches for a new building. This appeal was a success and a new building (our present Lutheran House) was dedicated on August 9, 1925.

For 125 years there has been a Lutheran presence at Chautauqua and a Lutheran House since 1925. An important part of our Lutheran ministry has been to create a welcoming place for our guests. We have been fortunate to have had the following women as Hostesses during the past 90 years.

  • Mrs. G. G. Ruff, 1925-1948
  • Mrs. Gladys Schake, 1949-1977
  • Mrs. Rachel Westerberg, 1978-1983
  • Mrs. Delores Bergstrand, 1984-1991
  • Mrs. Karla Jensen, 1992-2003
  • Ms. Jane Sampsell Nye, 2004-2008
  • Ms. Christine A. Hylenski, 2009-2014
  • Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Sue Keppel 2014-2021
  • Mr. Doug Kirsop and Rev. Denise Sager 2022-Current
Each previous Hostess has brought special gifts to share with all and built a stronger presence for Lutherans at Chautauqua.

About the association

The mission of the Lutheran Chautauqua Association is to provide a Lutheran identity on the grounds of the Chautauqua Institution through witness, worship, fellowship, hospitality and recreation.


(716) 357-2135 (Late June to End of August)
Address: 25 Peck Avenue, Box 1108, Cautauqua, NY, 14722

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